Just Believe


Many times when life happens we pray and believe that God will answer us speedily. We often become frustrated when God does not answer when we expect, but life has taught me that God’s ways are not my ways and His timing is not my timing.

There are times we say we are trusting God and waiting on Him, but most times God is trusting that everything He created us to accomplish we can do it.

He is well able to do what He promised.

And, while life sometimes seem unbearable I have learned that if God allows it He knows we can handle it.

So, through every season of life, we have to know God is greater than circumstances. We have to know He is mightier than anything we experience. When life begins to look opposite of what we hope, we have to know that God loves us and no matter what it looks like He is forever with us. We have to always remember we are not our own; we were bought with a price.

Heavenly Father, you are my strength. You are my shield. There are none like you. You are my peace, but most of all thank you for your love that never changes.


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