Beautiful Eyes

3e0d24f3d1e3a056315f68d7d122e39b_beautiful-clipart-the-word-pencil-and-in-color-beautiful-clipart-_800-351There is a saying that says the eyes are the gateway to your soul.

Sometimes on this journey call life you have to stop look yourself in the eyes and say you are Beautiful! You are loved! Never let anyone tell you differently.

Recently, while experiencing a difficult moment, I looked in the mirror and noticed my eyes. I took a long glanced at them and realized despite the things I have experienced my eyes were beaming with brightness.

To me, my eyes were Beautiful. They didn’t resemble what I have walked through. I chuckled to myself and said my eyes are Beautiful; I guess my soul is too.

So, no matter what life presents, never forget to compliment yourself and never forget you are Beautiful, but most of all always know you are loved!

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