Peace in Letting Go

“Casting all your care upon Him; for He cares for you.” ~I Peter 5:7

No one ever said life would be easy, but with God all things are possible.

Sometimes life can seem unbearable. There are times it is filled with ups and downs. Many times we have seasons when “life” goes as planned, but there are times when we pray and believe, but things remain the same.

Whether it is divorce, unemployment, disruption in relationships or financial difficulty, we have to remind ourselves that the Word of God says cast all your care on Him.

Yet, as much as we try to give our concerns to God, we often find it difficult to let go. Honestly, we spend a lot of time worrying and stressing over things that we have no control over. The stress leads to many sleepless nights, strained relationships and even health concerns.

However, I have learned that in order to live the life God promised, we must have the courage to “let it go.” It may take days, months and in some cases years, but nothing is impossible with God. One thing I have learned is that the more we remember how faithful God has been and how He never failed us, the more faith we have to “let go and let God.”

Letting go may not happen over night, but if God says release it, He knows it can be done.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it gets, we must have strength to trust that God knows what’s best for us. So, despite what we experience, we have to know without a doubt that God loves us too much to not intervene on our behalf.

And, when God says cast all your care on me He knows He has given us the ability to truly release our concerns to Him. And, when we release it, He gives us peace that passes all understanding.

Lord, thank you for given us the strength to cast our cares on you. Thank you for the courage to know that you are truly in control. 

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